This week we went to print out fotos in a librería and a man starting talking to me because he wanted to practice some of his English. Spoke pretty well! All the time people in the street or in the grocery store talk to us in English with frases they know. It´s kind of funny and actually super cool! I love it.
On Friday we had lunch with some of our investigators, Ester and Marcelo. They made a lot of fish. We´re really close to the ocean, so they eat a lot of fish here. It´s actually pretty good. For English class we wrote Mother´s Day cards (yesterday was Mother´s Day here). Three of our investigators came to English class and it was awesome! We have English class at 7 on Fridays, and right after we have choir practice. In Sacrament yesterday we sang "Mas Cerca, Dios, De Ti" which is "Nearer My God, to Thee." The choir director, Penelope, is awesome. She changes the hymns and they sound really great.
We have a ton of investigators that live all over our area. Our area is huge, so we are always walking a lot. It´s good though! Saturday night we visited Vanesa and Atendolfo. It had been a long time since we had seen Atendolfo. He works in the port and is always working. But it was good to see him and he wants to come to church next Sunday! Vanesa and Atendolfo have a son named Lucas. It was really hot on Saturday, so Lucas gave us popsicles that they made out of juice, haha. It was awesome.
For Mother´s Day, Hermana Doyel and I gave little cards to the Hermanas in our ward.
Yesterday our investigator, María, came to church. The elders helped us teach her the Retoration during Sunday School and she accepted a baptismal date for the 31st! Looks like we are going to have a baptism on Halloween!
I love and miss you all! Have a wonderful week and don´t forget to ponderize!
Doctrine and Covenants 24:7
For thou shalt devote all thy service in Zion; and in this thou shalt have strength.
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