This weekend was General Conference and man it was awesome. I loved it all, but my favorite talk was definitely about ponderizing the scriptures. I´m going to do it!
First off, I have some wonderful news. Back when I was in Rio Grande, Hermana Gomez and I found a man named Juan in the street. We started to visit Juan and his wife Aida. With Hermana Johnson we kept teaching them. Hermana Solórzano is in Ushuaia right now and she sent me a letter saying that Juan and Aida got baptized! Can you believe it! Hermana Gomez finishes her mission this week. This morning she called me from the mission office and we talked about how amazed we are. I´m so happy that we found Juan and Aida. I´m so grateful that the missionaries kept helping them and that they were able to get baptized! What a miracle.
This week we were looking for a house and we found a woman named Gisel (pronounced Jizel). She let us in home and it turns out that she´s met with the missionaries before! We watched a video of Jesus Christ and gave her a Book of Mormon. When we came by the next day she had read in the Book of Mormon and told us the we were angels sent to help her.
Hermana Oberman was transferred to Caleta Olivia, so we are no longer in a trio. That´s sad, but it´ll be good. Hermana Oberman packed up all of her stuff and said goodbye to everyone--left this morning. Today Hermana Doyel and I need to reorganize and clean the pension.
I hope that you all have had a great week so far. Don´t forget to ponderize a scripture! Put it up where you can read it every day.
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