I can´t believe that it´s already November! Time is going by super fast. This Wednesday was my 9 month mark so that means I am officially half way done! On Wednesday, I also finished reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. It was a great experience. I also bore my testimony yesterday about the Book of Mormon. I know that it´s the word of God. It has changed my life so much and the things I have learned while reading the Book of Mormon have helped me become a better person. Yesterday the Bishop read a letter from the area president. He challenged all of the members to read the Book of Mormon before the next General Conference. It should be a great experience!
We also had divisions this week with the Sister Training Leaders. Then we had interviews with President and Hermana Rogers. It was really great. I love the Rogers, they´re the best.
On Saturday we met a young woman named Micaela. We invited her to church and she said yes! So on Sunday morning we stopped by her house to walk to church together. We had four investigators at church. Hermana Doyel and I taught the Plan of Salvation during Gospel Principles and the Elders helped us. It was awesome!
We are hoping to have a baptism this Saturday! We´ll see what happens!
Also, my fútbol team won the championships yestereday! GO BOCA!
Today for pday we are going to a dinosaur museum in Trelew. Supuestamente, it has the biggest dinosaur bone in the world!
Have a wonderful week and don´t forget that this gospel is the greatest thing we have.
Hermana Martin
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